Armenia is a beautiful mountainous country that attracts tourists with its nature and historical sights. Mountain peaks and valleys, ancient temples and magnificent Lake Sevan are places that once you’ve seen, will remain in the heart forever.
Lake Sevan, the pearl of Armenia, is the largest lake in the Caucasus. A huge reservoir of the purest fresh water, bordered by mountain ranges, is located at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level. With its scale, grandeur and delicate colours, Lake Sevan is somewhat reminiscent of Lake Baikal.
The locals call Lake Sevan the sea. Like the sea, it can be gentle and quiet, but it can be harsh as well due to the height above sea level. However, there are practically no strong storms in Sevan, and in the morning the water surface is always calm. There are no undercurrents here. In the summer months, the surface of the water warms up to 21-22 degrees, and in sunny weather it is very warm and comfortable.
For us, freedivers, Sevan is interesting not only for its beauty, but also for its unique opportunities for apnoea diving: depths of up to 80 meters are available in the immediate vicinity of the coast.
And on the shore there is a modern cozy dive resort Altitude1900, offering its services to divers and freedivers!